Friday, November 2, 2012


Ugh!  The discards were overtaking my room and I just couldn't think anymore, so today is clean up day.

And of course when there is clean up--there are more discards.  No, one or two items day here. 

Here are the discards from the past few days. 

And here is a preview of what is going to Salvation Army or the trash. I'll post an updated photo tomorrow of all the stuff leaving my home.   

Friday, October 26, 2012

26. Pens

It may not look like much but it is sketch of an awesome idea for a layered mosaic.

I used the bad Pens from these cups to sketch it.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

24 & 25 Bookmarks

24. Wire bead bookmark.

From this:

I recycled all the pieces--except the little beads and the fishing line so it is "technically" a discard.  At least it isn't hanging in my room anymore.  That thing has been moved from place to place for many years.

I'm beginning to see some empty spots from my discarding.  Now there is some motivation.

25. Well, not exactly....I skipped a day.  I don't think I even discarded anything.  But I did do something totally creative.  I finished and hung 3 stained glass panels so I can get them listed on my Etsy shop.  Here is a sneak peak at one. If you want to see others check out my shop, kirBEart on Etsy.

Here is the real #5:  Another Bookmark, but different than the last. 

You can't really tell from the top left photo how tall the pile of magazines and books was.  I got rid of a good 2 1/2" stack.  I really need to do a little organizing this weekend; and, a Salvation Army run (I haven't pulled anything out of the bags). 

Check out the copyright on that Print Shop Deluxe manual I kept for years and years even after I didn't have the software anymore. 

Now it is part of my screenplay idea book that is on the right and the rest of the pile is going in the recycling bin.  

By the way, the blogger app on the iPhone doesn't let me put the pics where I want them, or add labels, and this is why sometimes it takes me a few days to post. 

Monday, October 22, 2012

23. Roses and Overalls

I have a favorite pair of patchwork overalls that I would love to wear backpacking, but they're cotton. So, I am going to make a pair with suitable fabrics for backpacking.  I cut some fabrics from the day's discards to use in the overalls.

The day's discard also included a Vera Wang skirt that was ripped and frayed at the seam.  I comtemplated
Duvet cover and an old shower curtain that I haven't used in at least 10 years--but I "love"

I made these fabric roses with some remnants.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

22. Upcycled Hair Scarves...

...from a favorite shirt that just doesn't look good on me. (The rest of it is going to Salvation Army.)

I made these with only a pair of scissors-no sewing or glueing.

Oh, and the polka dot tie looks great as a band around my new black hat.  

Saturday, October 20, 2012

22. Kumbaya

I absolutely love this!

However it sits outside unused no matter where I go (got it years ago when I lived in Wisconsin). Much of the time it isn't even the centerpiece where it sits, and it doesn't exactly fit with the home decor.